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  • Writer's pictureSylvain Lupari

ALBA ECSTASY: (Albastru Infinit Vol. 5) (2019)

“This is a collection of ambient music with some moments of static dynamism and good electronic rocks fed with large sound grains”

1 Neurons 3:13

2 The Silent Guide 4:49

3 Infinite Ten – intro 3:54

4 Infinite Ten 13:57

5 Infinite Ten - outro 6:11

6 Unicum 11:44

7 Ethereal Dream 7:54

8 A Voice Inside My Ear 3:39

9 Albastru Infinit - Clearance 4:25

10 Amazing Tests We Pass 4:17

(DDL 64:07) (V.F.)

(Variety of EM styles)

Here is the Volume5 of the Albastru Infinit series from Alba Ecstasy. Composed between 2016-2017, ALBASTRU INFINIT Vol. 5 is a collection of ambient music with some moments of static dynamism and good electronic rocks fed with large sound grains. And this is undoubtedly the ultimate charm of this album that will probably not go down in history as being one of the good albums of Mihail-Adrian Simion. But his fans will find their pleasure with this album which contains all the same some beautiful nuggets of EM, shining in a plethora of variegated tones that open our appetite as much as interest in its discovery.

Neurons attacks our ears with a delightfully syncopated rhythmic structure that sounds pretty close to Clara Mondshine's audacious Caesar In Camerun. Very good! There is not much to say about The Silent Guide which reflects very well the vision of its title with synth pads that intertwine in a vision of serenity. Shapeless chants are floating over this ambient air which is endowed with good meditative orchestrations. The introduction of Infinite Ten - intro sticks pretty well to its finale with groans of synth that extend their multiple lines on a bed of static sequences. The synth lines lead the music until percussion restructures it into a catchy semi-rock. Infinite Ten begins with layers in mode esoteric moods. Percussive crackling and long lines of sequenced beats weave an ambient rhythmic structure that goes back and forth beneath these layers tinged of jeremiads that seem to run through the first two segments of Infinite Ten. It's funny because sound effects are sounding a bit like when Alice Cooper had a tooth pulled out in Billion Dollar Babies. They resonate here and there with arpeggios that hammer the ambiances as if we were playing the xylophone on the walls of a cave. Layers and effects of intensity are grafted throughout the 12 minutes of Infinite Ten which will remain as this coitus interrupted between the passion of the hungry ears and the desire of the musician. Bell jingles and flickering waves in a dark blue sky, the indecision of Infinite Ten - outro makes me think a lot about the ambiances of Achtundsechszig24, an album of Spyra and Chris Lang made in 2003. An almost ambient rhythm murmurs with muffled pulsations and impulses of a line of low greedy. In the end, this segment of Infinite Ten is not so bad.

Unicum is pure electronic pleasure. A nest of pulsations and arpeggios that spin without ever forming circles are at the base of this delicious static rhythm which continually increases its rate until reaching a point of velocity more accentuated with the arrival of percussions and of organic chirps. A little different, but not too much, Ethereal Dream scrolls its moire arpeggios on a bed of continuous pulsations and whose echo effects forge an oblong jerky layer. Spectra is ululating with discretion on this ambiospheric title. Subsequently, Alba Ecstasy makes good synth solos sing in a lunar setting where a sounding fauna is activated by multiple shimmers of lunar prisms. A Voice Inside My Ear is a very good organic electronic rock. The rhythm is hopping with riffs of voices. Banal you say! We must wait and hear this pool of marbles that pierce and burst of tones with a convincing magnetism effect. It goes straight in to my IPod direction, Electronic Rock section with Neurons. It's just too short! Albastru Infinit - Clearance falls into our ears with a bass pulsation that stretches its resonance in a dark and heavy sound cloth, much like those bass lines from Tangerine Dream in Near Dark. A voice recites an incantation in this static rhythmic set that arpeggio filaments girdle to reinforce the esoteric tribal approach to music. Amazing Tests We Pass completes this latest adventure in the land of Albastru Infinit with a catchier structure in Easy Listening mode with cute sound effects and a singing of a strange synth saxophone. Like whatever ALBASTRU INFINIT Vol. 5 is really a collection of titles for all tastes ...

Sylvain Lupari (September 30th, 2019) *****

Available at Alba Ecstasy Bandcamp

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