“Diversified, colorful and very rhythmic, Eigenspaces is a more musical album with multiple twists from Javi Canovas”

1 Living in the Emptiness 10:50
2 Where was the Time 9:48
3 Lost Sign 7:00
4 Blue T 6:24
5 Vector 5:31
6 Forgotten Future 5:26
7 Parallel World 7:14
8 Interposition 4:06
(DDL 56:19) (V.F.)
(Berlin School)
My EM friends find that I am missing something by ignoring the music of the Spanish synthesist. I had heard his first 2 albums and honestly, I had not hooked on this EM with heavy curves. I had found it rowdy and without great creative convictions. EIGENSCAPES is therefore timely on my turntable. And I have to admit that Javi Canovas' style has evolved superbly. His music has become warmer in a good amalgam between the cosmic style and whose metallic waves strike on rhythmic structures bordering on rock and funk in a mellotron ambience reminiscent of some passages from Tangerine Dream and even Klaus Schulze, notably on Where was the Time.
A dark synth wave spreads the first bars of Living in the Emptiness. A nebulous introduction which is shaken by a fine approach of the sequencer whose crystalline tinkles flirt with a synth and its reverberations full of echo and escaping eroded solos. Imprecise, the musical canvas sinks into the abyss of a void with abstract sounds. Like the gurgling of cosmic frogs. The rhythm resurfaces on a heavy and nervous sequence, topped of a synth with metallic and resonant layers which roar in a composite musical universe. A rhythmic structure skips like a spastic rodeo in a cosmic universe streaked with solos spinning like abstract lines. Where was the Time is a strange lullaby which spins in an ascending spiral on a sequence with a light flow. Its decor is astonishing with its electronic locusts which constantly stridulate on the shadows of the synth and its absolutely divine and very catchy lyrical breezes. Lost Sign is more furious with a heavy sequence which undulates at good speed on a very delicate synth layer. The synth sticks to this rhythmic structure with an astonishing concordance, creating a subdivision at the level of the sequencer in a constantly boiling sound universe. Circular waves and streaks with musical refrains and good solos close the track. In a heavy sequence that moves forward like a heavy cat, Blue T is a heavy track with a funky electronic rock pace. A very TD mellotron envelops this dynamic structure, creating the illusion of two opposing rhythms that merge in total harmony. A good track which has mouth and which is out of the ordinary, just like the frenzied and funky Forgotten Future and Interposition. Vector has a very romantic sweetness. A soft piano pierces a heavy vaporous mist and releases notes with very nostalgic intonations. A beautiful title which reminds me of the delicacies of Ian Boddy. After a cavernous intro eaten away by metallic resonances, an undulating and slightly hopping sequence ignites the rhythm of Parallel World. A synth with very TD breezes precedes another sequence with a light crystalline tinkling and coats it with a fluid of Jazz and circular solos, as we also find on Interposition.
Diversified, colorful and very rhythmic, EIGENSCAPES is a more musical album with multiple twists, showing that Javi Canovas is no longer just one synthesist among many others. He has become a daring musician who is not afraid to deepen his ideas by adding touches of funk, rock and even jazz in a constantly evolving sound universe.
Sylvain Lupari (September 24th, 2009) *****
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