“A name to describe the dimension of Recurring Dreams? Thorsten Quaeschning! He has the music and moods of Tangerine Dream in his blood”

1 Sequent C' 2019 2:26
2 Monolight (Yellow Part) 2019 7:41
3 Tangram 2019 (Excerpt) 5:45
4 Horizon 2019 Part 1 6:36
5 Horizon 2019 Part 2 7:09
6 Phaedra 2014 8:16
7 Los Santos City Map 7:26
8 The Claymore Mine/Stalking 2019 5:40
9 Yellowstone Park 2019 6:36
10 Stratosfear 2019 11:34
11 Der Mond Ist Aufgegangen Part 1 & 2 9:07

Eastgate – 087 CD
(CD/DDL 78:25) (V.F.)
(Modern Berlin School)
You will be surprised; I enjoyed this compilation! Since there is nothing perfect in this universe of let's see if my idea is better than his, there are things that annoyed me. In particular this impression that the sound seems muffled, a bit as if it was recorded at the minimum of power, and interpretations of classics like Yellowstone Park and Tangram which bitterly disappointed me.
Produced as part of the London's Zeitraffer Exhibition, RECCURING DREAMS is a collection of 10 titles, Der Mond Ist Aufgegangen Part 1 & 2 being an adaptation of a composition from Johann Abraham Peter Schulz (1747-1800), that Thorsten Quaeschning, Ulrich Schnauss and Hoshiko Yamane have selected and adapted according to their contemporary visions with regard to this exhibition on the works of Tangerine Dream. Let's immediately settle the case of Mrs. Yamane who does quite well in her only visionary reinterpretation of Sequent C '. Except that the violin struggles without emotion with the incredible performance of Peter Baumann's mellotron. Let's say that it leaves this umpteenth compilation and transplanting of bright ideas from the old Tangerine Dream in a rather lukewarm way. And in fact, RECCURING DREAMS takes off very slowly. Monolight (Yellow Part) 2019 is like a long coitus without ecstasy. And Ulrich will do it again with Yellowstone Park 2019 just as devoid of emotion. We stay at the same level with the vision of my friend Thorsten about the introduction of Tangram 2019. Even after a few listenings, I miss the delicacy of the piano and the flute mellotron of Edgar and Johannes Schmoelling. But, Mister Q will catch up further! Horizon 2019 Part 1 also left me lukewarm, and it's not Ulrich's idea that I question, while Horizon 2019 Part 2 is more interesting. It's in these two titles that the sound seems to have remained well below its capacity of power and charms. Coming from Tangerine Dream's management, I don't understand this poor mixing and mastering here. But...
Phaedra 2014 remains like Edgar has reinvented it in 2014. It's OK, the album is also dedicated to him. And I miss you my dear Edgar… Thereafter, we get into solid. Very solid with Los Santos City Map which is a great title, unreleased I think, that Thorsten had composed with Edgar for the needs of the soundtrack of Grand Theft Auto V. I found it very good with a superb play of the sequencer (boy is he good on sequencer?) and good electronic percussions. Ditto for the interpretation of The Claymore Mine / Stalking 2019, from This Park is Mine, which is also reviewed by Thorsten Quaeschning. If the first offers a stationary rhythm, the other is a boiling electronic rock. The version of Yellowstone Park 2019 after these two titles and especially between the new vision, very hard-rock from Mister Q, of Stratosfear 2019 goes with difficulty. I'm not saying it's not beautiful! It just lacks spirit, soul and that sensuality that we found in Le Parc. Der Mond Ist Aufgegangen Part 1 & 2 ends this revision of some classics from an immortal group with an electronic vision of a classic title. It's very calm with a more intimate vision. Weird, but we are not a weirdness near in this immense universe of Tangerine Dream.
A name to describe the dimension of RECCURING DREAMS? Thorsten Quaeschning! He has the music and moods of Tangerine Dream and of the Berlin School style EM in his blood!
Sylvain Lupari (March 28th, 2020) ***½**