“A first CD that let us glimpse an artist with a very convincing potential”

1 Dilemmas 15:11
2 Two Evolutions 10:17
3 Space Civilizations 3:33
4 Intellectronics 6:19
5 Prolegomena to Omnipotence 4:47
6 Phantomology 17:58
7 Creation of the Worlds 3:03
8 Pasquinade on Evolution 3:25
(CD/DDL 64:33) (V.F.)
(Progressive Berlin School)
What strikes one most when discovering Przemysław Rudź is the richness of the sound, of an analog sound that flirts with the electronic beauties of Jean-Michel Jarre. There are also his artworks that fascinate the eye as much as the music takes care of the ears. Another beautiful discovery out of the Polish label, Generator.pl, P. Rudz is a Polish synthesist strongly inspired by the French School (Jean-Michel Jarre, Space Art and Thierry Fervant), but with an even more progressive approach, as well as more progressive rock at times. This gives a multi-dimensional CD where the sweet melodies travel through strange sonic faunas sown with heterogeneous tonalities. SUMMA TECHNOLOGIAE is a first CD and a pleasant musical adventure where the cosmos is the gateway to a fascinating universe of sounds and emotions.
Dilemmas starts with a rather eclectic intro. A variety of sounds make up a most colourful sonic fauna where everything is formed and heard through strange muffled pulsations, filiform reverberating lines, hoops and glass rattles that clash and float in a cold cosmic atmosphere, while a sequence of jerky balls pound a strange rhythm that zigzags under this cloud of variegated sonorities. Despite this frenzy of staggering sequenced rhythm, Dilemmas remains in static mode and bubbles in a dark cosmos where a linear sequence contracts under a sky streaked with brief synth solos. They weave between intriguing black breaths and limpid crystalline arpeggios that sculpt transient harmonies. This musical universe of contradictions takes a new tangent at the 8th minute as another sequencer line, a little more muted but also heavier, gives a second breath to the static broth that is Dilemmas. A croaking ball line is supported by sober percussions and keyboard chords, while a discreet synth mellotron amplifies this cosmic adrenaline rush around sound prisms that shimmer and undulate in loops. And quietly, Dilemmas fades into time and stardust with a soft mellotron haze that ends the last breaths of a rich and diverse analog life. Two Evolutions is the most comparable to the musical universe of the French School. An ascending and threatening sequence in the style of JM-Jarre evolves under strange electronic vocalizations that remind of Clara Mondshine's schizophrenia. Two parallel musical universes which harmonize under the dark layers of a synth with waves undulating in the Cosmos and whose harmonies sparkle candidly before the rhythm explodes with good percussions, projecting Two Evolutions towards a more rock tendency. This rhythm is constantly illuminated by beautiful passages that strangely recall the musical world of Thierry Fervant while the rhythm flickers under the fragrances of Space Art, notably with the crystalline chords that hammer and subdivide to nervously agitate at the end of the track. A very good French School Revival track that concludes in mellotron haze, initiating the ambient, floating world of Space Civilizations. Heavy sequences bubble nervously on Intellectronics, propelling us into an aggressive world of sequenced turbulence where jumping balls pulse, crisscross in undulating cascades, and frantically flutter around thin synthesized streaks that hover and scatter with clatter and sharpness on a track that's as boiling as motionless.
After this huge storm of sounds, Prolegomena to Omnipotence proposes a soft and dreamy track where eclectic sonorities fly over these soft electronic processions. Superb, Phantomology is the cornerstone of SUMMA TECHNOLOGIAE. A celestial intro charms our ears with a synth layers that waltz and entwine languorously in a warmer cosmos. Fine arpeggios sparkle around the 4th minute, echoing in a chimerical cave with heavy dark winds as a first sequencer movement animates the serenity of Phantomology. This agitation staggers to tie in with lightly metallic percussions that drums delicately under heavy spectral winds. The rhythm is well established around the 8th minute with sequences that undulate in loops and nervous percussions, while the synth borrows a musical language. The rhythm is nervous, fragile and surrounded by heavy synth solos that drop in their attacks some strident streaks. These streaks snake in and out an electronic universe carried away by a rhythmic as complex as unusual. A good track that shows all the complexity surrounding the changing and frenetic rhythms of SUMMA TECHNOLOGIAE. Resolutely more rock, Creation of the Worlds starts with a dramatic intro where the synth undulates and let snake its breaths in a sphere of resonances. The rhythm becomes heavier and faster with heavy sequences which undulate near solid percussions while the synth drops its laments wrapped in a good mellotron mist. With firmness the track deviates to the more limpid sequences of Pasquinade on Evolution that delicately clash in the shadow of a synth whose delicate solos perfume a synth aura where strange murmurs of pastels get lost in the mists of a cosmic mellotron, concluding a first opus of Przemysław Rudź that let us glimpse an artist with a very convincing potential.
Sylvain Lupari (December 28th, 2010) ***½**
Available at Generator pl