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This Web site is the continuity of the Blog Synth&Sequences that I start in August 2010. It has reached more than 1,750, 000 visitors when I started this Web site. This site is for you, fans of Berlin School. Take time to visit it and come back regularly as it will be in construction for a big while :-)
And how does it work?
Mainly by following the blue links by clicking on.
Up to every page you have the artists' index (A-B-C-etc...)
The site is still in progress, it will improved week by week
Enjoy the reading and if any comments, do not hesitate to contact me at
Ce site Web est la continuité du blog Synth&Sequences que j'ai lancé en août 2010. Il a atteint plus de 1 750 000 visiteurs lorsque j'ai démarré ce site Web. Ce site est pour vous, fans de Berlin School. Prenez le temps de le visiter et revenez régulièrement car il sera en construction pour un long moment :-)
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